Archive for May, 2010

Putting the Chess Club Pieces Together

Elementary school teachers around the nation have recently begun to grasp the value that chess can bring into a child’s education. Schools in districts across that land are now starting to form chess clubs, but the large question looms: what is the proper way to form a chess club? How can all the pieces of a club be fitted together to form a group that will educate, entertain, and enlighten young chess players?

The 6 pieces of a chess club are 1) Organizers, 2) Participants, 3) Facilities, 4) Equipment, 5) Instruction, and 6) Motivation. Let’s take a quick look at each of these 6 necessary pieces.

The first piece to a chess club is dedicated and patient leaders who provide structure and motivation. If you are a club organizer, don’t over-do it. Do what you can, and do what you promise. Above all else, remember why you’ve set up the program – for the good of the young players.

The second piece is all about the youth. Be sure to advertise your club as best you can. Clearly outline the purposes of the club and all of the information. Don’t be afraid to ask for some donations of time and equipment from parents. Also make sure that you clearly outline the many intellectual and social benefits of participating in chess club.

The third piece for your club is somewhere to meet and play chess! You might have a great school, local community center, university, or even home or business willing to donate some space to you. You will need a well-lighted area with enough tables and chairs for all participants.

The fourth piece of your club requires chess equipment. One of the worst things that can happen at a club is to have people standing around waiting for a set and chess pieces. Make sure you get enough chess equipment for all participants. You don’t need the fanciest equipment for everyone – simple will do.

The fifth piece is all about learning. A chess club should be fun and educational. Clubs that are not balanced are not enjoyable. Too much play without progress can wear thin. And too much instruction without play can be dull.

The final piece in your club is all about motivation. Set goals for yourself as the coach/organizer and for your students. Maybe your goal might be to attend a local tournament a few months away.

Though it may take time and a great deal of effort to bring your club together, it will certainly be worth the effort for you and the youth involved in the end.

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When the end of the world (pivot) Episode 1

Demon tries to destroy the world. A lot of Naruto, some Dragon Ball Z and more.

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Figure 3 Royale

Well I tried to download this time, but it was too long, so I had to cut the credits and put them in the description. It has a different meaning than the other two, at least, it seems that way to me. In addition, it is the penultimate "Figure Royale" Music and other audio files used by Du Hast: Rammstein Theme From Axel: Kingdom Hearts 2 which was lost by Martin O'Donnell I've Got My Eye On You: Hans Zimmer Chainsaw By: Skinny Puppy For Davy Jones Hans Zimmer A walk in the woods:Martin O'Donnell Suspense Accent 01 by: iLife Sound Effects Near's Theme from Death Note Orochimaru's Theme by: Toshiro Masuda Tiger Growl By: Skywalker Sound Effects T-Rex Roar From: Jurassic Park Get harmless: LCD Soundsystem explosion and gunfire: Unknown:

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Five Reasons Why You Must Study Japanese

You can study Japanese for many reasons. Japan has breathtaking landscapes, interesting people, a thriving economy, and an ancient culture. You will be hard pressed to pick your best reason, though this incomplete list will try to persuade you; and if it doesn’t, then perhaps a hop to Japan will persuade you. But first, the list.

Director Extraordinaire Akira Kurosawa

You have missed the art of extraordinary director Akira Kurosawa if you haven’t watched Throne of Blood, Seven Samurai, Dreams, and Ran. Any serious cinema buff need to watch these movies for their climactic scenes, gripping stories, beautiful landscapes, and the director’s attention to detail. Because these are all made in the director’s native language, you have to learn to speak Japanese in order to experience these movies’ timeless elegance.


You’ll likely think Japanese anime strange if you’re used to Disney and Pixar animations. The speech bubbles, over-the-top physical features, and onomatopoeic typography aside, it does possess engaging storylines and charming fantastical creatures. To enjoy the likes of Dragon Ball Z and Naruto, study Japanese.

The Japanese Art of Chindogu

Aside from origami, tea ceremony, and ikebana, Japan also boasts of chindogu. This is an art form of creating everyday items that result in humiliations, problems, and inconveniences, even with the noblest of intentions. As a matter of fact, these “unuseful” gadgets can be downright funny and ridiculous!

Do you need a hairguard to keep your hair away from your ramen? How about a hay fever hat – a tissue dispenser atop your head? These may actually be profitable, strangely enough. Study Japanese to speak to the inventors.

Japanese Cuisine

Japanese cuisine is a feast for the tastebuds, from wasabi to sushi. The presentation and preparation demand a perfectionist’s attention to detail and a lot of effort, although it seems very basic and simple on the surface. You must learn Japanese to quicken the learning process of how to cook like the Japanese. After all, you wish to study Japanese cooking, not bug your chef-mentor with incessant questions on what anko and umeshu are.

Japanese Street Fashion

If you want avant garde street fashion, then the place to go to is Japan. Even New York cannot rival the outlandish clothes young Japanese people wear on the streets of Tokyo! There are Lolitas, Kogals, Ganguros, and Bosozoku, to mention a few.

And if these reasons aren’t sufficient for you to study Japanese, go for the Japanese being the third largest Internet users, and Japan being the fastest rising economy in the world. You can benefit from Japan’s business opportunities.

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DBZ Stoopified, RAH! Ep. 7 Nut Crakin Christmas

Join Vegeta On His Special Christmas Day That Leads To Cracked Nuts, Swords, And Being Covered In A Very Sticky Substance. But Hey At Least You Can Figure Out What Yamcha Gets For Christmas If You Watch This Nut CRAKIN Episode!! Its Over 9…Meh…Fuck It. Dragon ball z vegeta goku trunks ki blast kamehameha falcon punch captain backflip xbox360 achievements over 9000 stupid funny action figures stoopified rah episode parody spoof funny comedy instant noodles super saiyan mexico awesome sweet takumi kisaragi cardcaptors master chief halo gears of war stupid nirvana metallica bass solo guitar anime girls naruto bleach yugioh dragons chibi final fantasy guides zelda master chief haruhi balls are inert comic con slipknot boobies negima three manga hancock zombies explosions collections old people buu saga cell frieza free money action figures dbz stoopified rah kaioken times a million stupify

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